Chess 3
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Chess 3

Chess 3

Chess 3

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Dordle» Chess 3

Chess 3


Chess 3: Nothing is more exciting than spending leisure time training your mind! What challenges will there be in a board game with top-notch logic and strategic thinking? You will engage with a professional opponent and try to win. Your goal is to take down the opponent's king and protect your king by all means. Each turn requires careful calculation. Besides, you need to observe and judge your opponent's tactics to prevent them.

Similar to the rules of real chess, the chess pieces in Chess 3 also have separate movement rules. You need to understand this law so you can plan accordingly. Starting with pawns, this type has the largest number but the least amount of power. You can only move two steps in the first turn; after that, you can only move one space at a time. However, the rule of this chess piece is diagonal play. In the row behind them, there is a king, a queen, two rooks, two knights, and two rooks. While the king can only move in all directions with a single step, the queen can move on any horizontal, straight, or diagonal path. The rook will move diagonally, the knight will move in an L shape, and the rook will move straight or horizontally. The number of steps on these chess pieces is also unlimited.

How To Play

First of all, choose the color of your army, black or white. When participating in the main round, you click on the chess piece, and you will see the appropriate move appear on the game board. You select a valid cell to control the piece in that position. Note that in addition to closely analyzing your moves, you also need to be careful of every move your opponent makes.


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